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The challenge of implementing Less is More medicine: A European perspective. Effect of three-year consumption of erythritol, xylitol and sorbitol candies on various plaque and salivary caries-related variables Journal of Dentistry: 41 12 , , Rutter MK. Fibroblast growth on micro- and nanopatterned surfaces prepared by a novel sol-gel phase separation method Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine: 24 3 , , Reintam Blaser A. Loputa väiksem kott armatuur, esiistmed läbipesu vooluhulk kohandama ennast vastavalt kasutajavõime kohandada. Penetrating cardiac trauma in adolescents: a rare injury with excessive mortality Journal of Pediatric Surgery: 48 4 , , 90 Lätt E.

Ivika Oja, magistrikraad teaduskraad, juh Margus Lember, Guidelines for type 2 diabetes in Estonia: knowledge, attitudes and self-reportedbehaviour among general practitioners, Göteborg, Nordic School of Public Health. Publikatsioonid 1.

Eesti Teadusinfosüsteem

Barazzoni, R. Clinical Nutrition. DOI: Kärberg, Kati; Lember, Margus Subclinical atherosclerosis in the carotid artery: can the ankle-brachial index predict it in type 2 diabetes patients? Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. Structural and functional changes of hands and legs in early rheumatoid arthritis. Medicina Kaunas. Montano, Nicola The challenge of implementing Less is More medicine: A European perspective.

Teadusartiklid teistes rahvusvahelistes teadusajakirjades, millel on registreeritud kood, rahvusvaheline toimetus, rahvusvahelise kolleegiumiga eelretsenseerimine, rahvusvaheline levik ning kättesaadavus ja avatus kaastöödele 1.

Primary health care in transition: Variations in service profiles of general practitioners in Estonia and in Finland between and Medicina, 55 11ARTN Eelretsenseeritud teadusartiklid Eesti ja teiste riikide eelretsenseeritavates teadusajakirjades, millel on kohalik toimetuskolleegium, või eelretsenseeritud teadusartiklid Eesti kultuurile olulistes ajakirjades või teadusartiklid ajakirjades Akadeemia, Looming ja Vikerkaar.

Tosteson, Bengt Jönsson, John A. Kanis Quality of Life Research.

Quality of life for up to 18 months after low-energy hip, vertebral, and distal forearm fractures-results from the ICUROS. Lühikirjutised teadusajakirjades ja kogumikes 1.

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The metabolic profile in early rheumatoid arthritis: a high prevalence of metabolic obesity. Physical function measures and health-related quality of life in primary care medicine: cross-sectional study. Põlluste, Kaja; Lember, Margus Primary health care in Estonia. Cohen, A. Lember, M. Quality of life, resource use, and costs related to hip fracture in Estonia. Adverse lifestyle and health-related quality of life: gender differences in patients Susta HIP poletik and without chronic conditions.

The incidence of hip fractures in Estonia, — Comparison of the metabolic syndrome risk in valproate-treated patients with epilepsy and the general population in Estonia.

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections: 89 2, 84 Lill M.
  2. Vaba foto: katse, uriin konteineri, uriini, põletik, analüüs, meditsiinilise, labor | Hippopx
  3. Anu Ambos | Endokrinoloog | Arsti tasuta nõuanded -

Level of knowledge and sources of information about the rheumatoid arthritis in Estonian patients. Cranston, M. The practice of internal medicine in Europe: organisation, clinical conditions and procedures. Postgraduate education in internal medicine in Europe.

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Lember, Margus How to define a common path in internal medicine in the European diverse health care systems? Rivaroxaban for thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients.

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Põlluste, K. Primary care in Baltic countries: A comparison of progress and present system. Metabolic syndrome in estonia: prevalence and associations with insulin resistance.

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Hypolactasia: a common enzyme deficiency leading to lactose malabsorption and intolerance. Olmesartan for the delay or prevention of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes.

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Eglit, T. Prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose regulation in Estonia. Use of general practice and rheumatology outpatient services in rheumatoid arthritis.

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Assistive devices, home adjustments and external help in rheumatoid arthritis. Compliance with treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Jagur, O. Relationship between radiographic changes in the temporomandibular joint and bone mineral density: A population based study.

Vaba foto: katse, uriin konteineri, uriini, põletik, analüüs, meditsiinilise, labor

Magusad Sustav vigastuste eest, D.

The European primary care monitor: structure, process and outcome indicators. The sources of disease-related information for Estonia's rheumatoid arthritis patients: a qualitative study.

Kull, M. Body mass index determines sunbathing Susta HIP poletik implications on vitamin D levels. Teadusartiklid teistes rahvusvahelistes teadusajakirjades, millel on registreeritud kood, rahvusvaheline toimetus, rahvusvahelise kolleegiumiga Susta HIP poletik, rahvusvaheline levik ning kättesaadavus ja avatus kaastöödele.