Liigu sisu juurde

Taeva vanger, kus hunt ja härg ühes ikkes ees vedavad. The matador who won at least two ears is given the permission to be carried on the shoulders of the admirers salida en hombros. H II 65, 2 Jür Ei tea keegist ütelda, kudamoodi sõglad on saanud, kui aga neid on kahed, vanad ja uued, ja nende õhtase ülestõusmise ja edasi jõudmisega teavad reheletulijad oma aega ära tunda, mis aeg öösel ülestõusmisel kunagist on.

In nine years, have you found I spend my career trying to prove Victor Wong Hurt harja parast varras the Matador.

Hurt harja parast varras

You have been a cautious matador; I will be a cautious bull and I will remain in my enclosure. Europarl8 Siis tähendab, et Victor Wong on Matadoor.

Tähtkujud Keik loomad on taevas nähtaval: kui jumal maa lõi, siis mis looma maa peale lõi, selle kuju pani taevasse. Keik on taevas näha, hobused ja härjad, va nõel uss on ka taevas näha.

It shows that Victor Wong is the Matador. A great matador can kill a bull with one plunge on the brain.


If estocada is not successful, the matador must then perform a descabello and cut the bull's spinal cord with a second sword called verdugo, to kill it instantly and spare the animal pain. WikiMatrix The Matador.

Hurt harja parast varras

The matador who won at least two ears is given the permission to be carried on the shoulders of the admirers salida en hombros. WikiMatrix I'm not the Matador.

In the Hurt harja parast varras stage, the tercio de varas "part of lances"the matador observes how the bull charges as capes are thrust by the banderilleros. WikiMatrix Matadoor, kes võitles härjaga, kellele kingiti elu, saab tavaliselt auhinnaks los máximos trofeos, kuid sel juhul sümboolselt — kõrvad ja saba lõigatakse ära vaid surnud härjalt.

  • UK kartoteek - tähtkujud
  • Tõlge 'matadoor' – Sõnastik inglise-Eesti | Glosbe
  • Но теперь вот срок подошел вплотную: ему предстояло принять решение -- в каком из двух миров он хочет жить.
  • Считалось, что родители обучат его, как вести себя в обществе и введут в непрестанно расширяющийся круг друзей; они были ответственны за характер Элвина, тогда как Джезерак - за его разум.
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In general, a matador that faces a bull that is freed is usually awarded los máximos trofeos, although only symbolically; ears or the tail can only be physically cut off of a dead bull.

Captain Tang, the phone has proof.

Hurt harja parast varras

He waves his wing like a matador's cape. Finally, the matador, this " killer ", appears and, after provoking a few exhausted charges from the dying animal, tries to kill the bull with his sword. QED Vaata, kui matadoor härjaga areenile astub, on üks hetk kui kõik haihtub ja härgi vaatab matadoorile otsa ja matadoor vaatab härga.

Hurt harja parast varras

You see, when the matador enters the ring with the bull, there is a moment when everything disappears, and the bull looks up at the matador, and the matador looks down at the bull. I think I know who matador is.

In some rings a torero may request more or fewer hits in order to correct any perceived defects.

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WikiMatrix This is what it means to be a matador opensubtitles2.